User types


The administrator can be any person assigned by the owner to be able to configure the tool’s information and manage the activities within it. It ideally corresponds to project managers and it is possible to have one or more administrators.

The “Administrator” user type has most of the permissions that the Owner user type has, except:

  • Actions in the “Account and subscription” tab in Settings
  • Set user as “administrator” or “owner” type, in Users

Common user

The common user would be the majority of team members who will only work on projects, developing tasks and making notes.

Common users are not responsible for managing or configuring the account or projects.

A este tipo, ficam restritas as ações mais operacionais como:

  • Realizar ações na tarefa
  • Registrar apontamentos
  • Incluir despesas
  • Aprovar tarefas caso esteja vinculado como usuário responsável pela aprovação de tarefas da etapa
  • Visualizar projetos e clientes cuja permissão tenha sido concedida pelo(s) administrador (es) ou proprietário
Atualizado em 08/02/2024

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