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  4. Understand the Financial Information of the Task

Understand the Financial Information of the Task

You can access the task’s financial indicators by clicking on the card or by clicking on Options > Edit Task > Cost and Billing

This field allows you to analyze the following information:

Estimated Cost: Total hours of estimated effort multiplied by the hourly rate of the user performing the task

Actual cost: Total hours actually spent on the task multiplied by the hourly rate of the user performing the task

Note: If there is more than one user working on the same card, the estimated and actual cost will be calculated using the average hourly rate of the users involved in the task.

Estimated Revenue: Estimated revenue is the estimated hourly value of the task. In this case, the number of estimated hours is multiplied by the hourly rate defined in the project billing.

Actual revenue: Actual revenue is the value of hours spent on the task, taking into account the hourly rate defined in the project billing.

Billable expenses: Value of expenses included marked as “billable”, that is, which will be posted to the customer’s invoice for later collection

Only the account owner, admin and the project manager have permission to access the financial field of tasks. Learn more in User Types.

Atualizado em 08/02/2024

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