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  3. What is an account?

What is an account?

Very often it is related to a company. It brings together a group of people who carry out activities in common. Nela, as people we work with our company’s clients, we manage the tasks of these projects and lead to the delivery of the project with efficiency and quality.

This way Gipo accounts can be free or paid. There are differences between the plans. You can understand better here.

Change the accounting plane

It is also possible to exchange the free plan for payment or vice-versa at any time!

Learn more about plans and how to move in Plans and Assinaturas.

One user: multiple accounts

A big differential of the Gipo is allowing you to access as the same user/senha to several different accounts. Or control access to the different accounts that make up some of our accounts. After completing your login, you will be directed to it.

The account panel is able to access accounts that are linked and also create new accounts.

Note: User license control is done individually by account. Licenses contracted from one account cannot be shared with other accounts. Example: If you have 2 accounts with 10 licenses each, it will not be possible to include more than 10 users in each one, even in one of the licenses that have not been used.

Atualizado em 08/02/2024

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