Understand User Cost

User labor costs

Each user registered with Gipo has a cost related to their working hour. This is configured in the user’s registration, Financial tab. There, the value that this user generates as a cost for each hour of work performed is informed.

This can be applied to both people who work hourly or even those who work on a monthly salary model.

Example: if the user’s salary is $4,000.00, then their hourly rate will be their salary divided by the expected working hours for the month. In a work model in which a person works 160 hours per month, the calculation to be made to determine the user’s hourly cost is $4,000.00 / 160 = $25.00.

Of course, one must consider benefits that an employee may receive, such as vacations, 13th salary, etc.

In this way, each time entry made by the user in a task generates a cost relative to its value/hour.

Atualizado em 08/02/2024

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