Workspace View Modes

Gipo has four different types of Workspaces: My Dashboard, Calendar, List, and Board. Each one can serve a different need.

My Dashboard

The “Dashboard” is a visualization mode designed to perform all the data management in the Workspace. It helps in decision-making by displaying metrics that indicate how the process, workflow and task management are developing.

Calendar Mode

The “Calendar” view focuses on providing a monthly, weekly, or daily view of deadlines and helping your team plan and complete tasks on time. This view is ideal for managing deliverables or tasks that have a deadline.

List Mode

The focus of the “List” is the execution and completion of tasks in each block. This view mode is ideal for managing specific tasks that do not depend on phases or stages to be completed.

Frame Mode

Using the “Board” you can structure your workflow into steps and your tasks into cards with a focus on the process. This view is ideal for managing tasks that have phases or stages to be completed.
The “Board” view is based on the kanban methodology, which aims to organize your workflow and focus on increasing productivity and optimizing processes.

Atualizado em 08/01/2024

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